Chest Care

Chest Care

Our specialized chest care program at Newro Neuro-Rehabilitation Center is dedicated to providing advanced and compassionate care for individuals requiring ventilator support, oxygenation, and specialized management of airway secretions. We employ a comprehensive VOST protocol (Ventilator, Oxygenation, Secretions, Tube) to ensure a holistic approach to respiratory care.

Ventilator Support and Oxygenation:

Our respiratory care team is equipped to handle various respiratory needs, including: 1. Ventilator Support:
– Comprehensive management for individuals requiring mechanical ventilation.
– Adjustment of ventilator settings based on individual respiratory needs and progression.

2. Oxygenation:
– Continuous monitoring and optimization of oxygen levels to ensure adequate oxygenation.
– Individualized oxygen therapy plans to meet specific patient requirements.

Secretion Management:

Effective secretion management is crucial for maintaining airway patency and preventing respiratory complications. Our program includes:

1. Airway Clearance Techniques:
– Utilization of techniques such as chest physiotherapy and cough-assist devices to facilitate the removal of respiratory secretions.

2. Suctioning Protocols:
– Implementation of safe and efficient suctioning protocols to manage excessive secretions and maintain airway hygiene.

Tube Management:

For individuals with an artificial airway, proper tube management is essential. Our specialized care includes:

1. Endotracheal Tube Management:
– Continuous monitoring and care for individuals with endotracheal tubes, ensuring secure placement and optimal function.

2. Tracheostomy Management:
– Comprehensive care for individuals with tracheostomies, including tube changes, site care, and monitoring for potential complications.

VOST Protocol (Ventilator, Oxygenation, Secretions, Tube):

Our VOST protocol integrates all aspects of respiratory care, ensuring a coordinated and efficient approach:

1. Ventilator Management:
– Regular assessment and adjustment of ventilator settings to match the patient’s respiratory needs.

2. Oxygenation Optimization:
– Continuous monitoring and adjustment of oxygen levels to maintain optimal oxygenation.

3. Secretion Management Strategies:
– Tailored approaches to manage and clear airway secretions effectively.

4. Tube Care and Monitoring:
– Regular evaluation and care for artificial airways, including endotracheal tubes and tracheostomies.

Safe Decannulation and Rehabilitation:

Our goal is to facilitate safe decannulation for individuals with artificial airways. This involves a comprehensive approach:

1. Deflation Trials:
– Gradual deflation of the tracheostomy cuff to assess the patient’s ability to breathe independently.

2. Speaking Valve Trials:
– Introduction of speaking valves to facilitate vocalization and assess readiness for decannulation.

3. Blocking Trials:
– Progressive trials to assess the patient’s tolerance to breathing through the upper airway.

Enquire for Consultation:

If you or a loved one requires specialized chest care, our dedicated respiratory care team is ready to provide consultations. Contact us to schedule a consultation and explore how our comprehensive Chest Care Program can contribute to respiratory well-being and rehabilitation success.

Our specialized chest care program at Newro Neuro-Rehabilitation Center is dedicated to providing advanced and compassionate care for individuals requiring ventilator support, oxygenation, and specialized management of airway secretions. We employ a comprehensive VOST protocol (Ventilator, Oxygenation, Secretions, Tube) to ensure a holistic approach to respiratory care.

Ventilator Support and Oxygenation:

Our respiratory care team is equipped to handle various respiratory needs, including: 1. Ventilator Support:
– Comprehensive management for individuals requiring mechanical ventilation.
– Adjustment of ventilator settings based on individual respiratory needs and progression.

2. Oxygenation:
– Continuous monitoring and optimization of oxygen levels to ensure adequate oxygenation.
– Individualized oxygen therapy plans to meet specific patient requirements.

Secretion Management:

Effective secretion management is crucial for maintaining airway patency and preventing respiratory complications. Our program includes:

1. Airway Clearance Techniques:
– Utilization of techniques such as chest physiotherapy and cough-assist devices to facilitate the removal of respiratory secretions.

2. Suctioning Protocols:
– Implementation of safe and efficient suctioning protocols to manage excessive secretions and maintain airway hygiene.

Tube Management:

For individuals with an artificial airway, proper tube management is essential. Our specialized care includes:

1. Endotracheal Tube Management:
– Continuous monitoring and care for individuals with endotracheal tubes, ensuring secure placement and optimal function.

2. Tracheostomy Management:
– Comprehensive care for individuals with tracheostomies, including tube changes, site care, and monitoring for potential complications.

VOST Protocol (Ventilator, Oxygenation, Secretions, Tube):

Our VOST protocol integrates all aspects of respiratory care, ensuring a coordinated and efficient approach:

1. Ventilator Management:
– Regular assessment and adjustment of ventilator settings to match the patient’s respiratory needs.

2. Oxygenation Optimization:
– Continuous monitoring and adjustment of oxygen levels to maintain optimal oxygenation.

3. Secretion Management Strategies:
– Tailored approaches to manage and clear airway secretions effectively.

4. Tube Care and Monitoring:
– Regular evaluation and care for artificial airways, including endotracheal tubes and tracheostomies.

Safe Decannulation and Rehabilitation:

Our goal is to facilitate safe decannulation for individuals with artificial airways. This involves a comprehensive approach:

1. Deflation Trials:
– Gradual deflation of the tracheostomy cuff to assess the patient’s ability to breathe independently.

2. Speaking Valve Trials:
– Introduction of speaking valves to facilitate vocalization and assess readiness for decannulation.

3. Blocking Trials:
– Progressive trials to assess the patient’s tolerance to breathing through the upper airway.

Enquire for Consultation:

If you or a loved one requires specialized chest care, our dedicated respiratory care team is ready to provide consultations. Contact us to schedule a consultation and explore how our comprehensive Chest Care Program can contribute to respiratory well-being and rehabilitation success.

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6 BCIE, 5TH Main, Okalipuram, Kranthikavi,Sarvanga Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560021

Contact Us


6 BCIE, 5TH Main, Okalipuram, Kranthikavi,Sarvanga Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560021