Vision Therapy
Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy

After neurological injuries like stroke, our Vision Therapy program addresses conditions such as hemianopia, hemineglect, visual inattention, and visual cognition. Using the Vision Pyramid, we enhance the visual recovery for a comprehensive rehabilitation experience and overall betterment of the patient.

Key Focus Areas:

1. Hemianopia Management:
– Targeted exercises to improve visual field awareness and compensatory techniques for hemianopic deficits.

2. Hemineglect and Visual Inattention:
– Specialized techniques to retrain attention and overcome neglect, enhancing overall awareness.

3. Visual Cognition Enhancement:
– Cognitive exercises designed to improve visual processing, recognition, and interpretation.

The Vision Pyramid:

1. Visual Acuity:
– Sharpening focus and clarity for clear visual perception.

2. Visual Field Awareness:
– Expanding the awareness of the visual field, vital for addressing hemianopic deficits.

3. Eye Movement Control:
– Enhancing coordinated and conjugated eye movements for smooth tracking and scanning.

4. Binocular Vision:
– Promoting the coordination of both eyes for improved depth perception and 3D vision.

5. Visual Processing Skills:
– Refining cognitive functions related to visual processing, recognition, and interpretation.

How the Vision Pyramid Works:

1. Base Foundation:
– Strengthening foundational skills such as visual acuity lays the groundwork for effective rehabilitation.

2. Sequential Progression:
– The pyramid’s structure emphasizes a step-by-step progression, addressing each level systematically.

3. Comprehensive Approach:
– By addressing multiple components simultaneously, the Vision Pyramid ensures a holistic and integrated rehabilitation process.

Personalized Therapy Plans:

Our Vision Therapy program tailors rehabilitation plans to each individual’s unique needs, ensuring targeted interventions for optimal recovery. Expert therapists work collaboratively to enhance visual function and overall well-being.

Enquire for Consultation:

Discover the transformative benefits of Vision Therapy after neurological injury. Contact us at Newro-Rehabilitation Center to schedule a consultation and explore personalized rehabilitation plans designed to enhance visual recovery and cognitive skills.

After neurological injuries like stroke, our Vision Therapy program addresses conditions such as hemianopia, hemineglect, visual inattention, and visual cognition. Using the Vision Pyramid, we enhance the visual recovery for a comprehensive rehabilitation experience and overall betterment of the patient.

Key Focus Areas:

1. Hemianopia Management:
– Targeted exercises to improve visual field awareness and compensatory techniques for hemianopic deficits.

2. Hemineglect and Visual Inattention:
– Specialized techniques to retrain attention and overcome neglect, enhancing overall awareness.

3. Visual Cognition Enhancement:
– Cognitive exercises designed to improve visual processing, recognition, and interpretation.

The Vision Pyramid:

1. Visual Acuity:
– Sharpening focus and clarity for clear visual perception.

2. Visual Field Awareness:
– Expanding the awareness of the visual field, vital for addressing hemianopic deficits.

3. Eye Movement Control:
– Enhancing coordinated and conjugated eye movements for smooth tracking and scanning.

4. Binocular Vision:
– Promoting the coordination of both eyes for improved depth perception and 3D vision.

5. Visual Processing Skills:
– Refining cognitive functions related to visual processing, recognition, and interpretation.

How the Vision Pyramid Works:

1. Base Foundation:
– Strengthening foundational skills such as visual acuity lays the groundwork for effective rehabilitation.

2. Sequential Progression:
– The pyramid’s structure emphasizes a step-by-step progression, addressing each level systematically.

3. Comprehensive Approach:
– By addressing multiple components simultaneously, the Vision Pyramid ensures a holistic and integrated rehabilitation process.

Personalized Therapy Plans:

Our Vision Therapy program tailors rehabilitation plans to each individual’s unique needs, ensuring targeted interventions for optimal recovery. Expert therapists work collaboratively to enhance visual function and overall well-being.

Enquire for Consultation:

Discover the transformative benefits of Vision Therapy after neurological injury. Contact us at Newro-Rehabilitation Center to schedule a consultation and explore personalized rehabilitation plans designed to enhance visual recovery and cognitive skills.

Seeing the brain differently

Makes a world of difference.

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6 BCIE, 5TH Main, Okalipuram, Kranthikavi,Sarvanga Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560021

Contact Us


6 BCIE, 5TH Main, Okalipuram, Kranthikavi,Sarvanga Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560021